Welcome to St. Anne Catholic Church!
Dear Friend of St. Anne’s,
It is my pleasure to greet you as you become acquainted with our parish through this website. St. Anne’s is a vibrant Catholic community which has been serving God and the Bethlehem area since its founding in 1929. Our parish offers many different ministries which serve our members as well as those in the surrounding community. These ministries include the areas of liturgy and prayer, adult education and formation, youth service and education, charitable works and social awareness. Information on these ministries and how you can participate or benefit from them is available here.
The center of our faith life is the daily and Sunday celebration of the Mass. Our goal as a faith community is to help one another to grow in our relationship with God by serving Him and His church with the talents that He has given to us.
As you browse through this website, I hope that you find information that helps you on your faith journey toward God. If there is a need in your life to feel more closely connected with the Lord, the first step is to connect with others who are on the same journey. That support is a most valuable resource. Please feel free to use the contact button to let us know how we can help you. There are also links to our parish school and CYO websites which offer extensive information on these branches of our parish life.
Again, I welcome you to our home on the internet, and I pray that the Lord blesses you with his love and his peace!
Sincerely in the Lord,
Fr. Anthony Mongiello, Pastor