St. Anne Parish Pastoral Council: The council meets quarterly and is made up of parishioners who represent the various age and interest groups of our faith community. Please feel free to contact a council member if you would like a concern or suggestion to be brought to the council for consideration.
At present, council members are:
Pastoral Members: Fr. Anthony Mongiello, Fr. Alexander Brown, Deacon Stephen Gorbos, Deacon Richard Scrak.
Officers: Joan Fogel (President), Mary Bem (Vice President), Rayann Vasko (Secretary)
Members: Fidelia Akabogu, Nicole Capuano, Kelsey Elliott, Joanne Mckeown, John Morahan, Anthony Passalacqua, Carissa Pokorny-Golden, Maria Ramos, Sheila Rulli.
To contact a council member, please call (610-867-5039) or email (church@stannebethlehem.org) the rectory and your communication will be forwarded.